- Their house has been broken into.
- Their neighbors’, friends’ or relatives’ houses have been broken into. Now they are worried it can happen to them.
- They don’t want to be broken into.
- The house is empty and no one is home. They work all day
- The house is vacant and up for sale, and the owners don’t want vandalism or occupancy by drug dealers
- The family goes on vacation a lot and is worried about their home and possessions when away.
- The husband goes on hunting, fishing, trips, or business trips and often leaves his wife home alone.
- The home or apartment owners lost their house or car keys or had them stolen.
- They’ve lost their credit card, purse, or wallet, or had them stolen.
- They’ve lost their wallet, briefcase, or backpack, or luggage, or had them stolen.
- Their spouse works late. They’re home alone and are scared.
- They live in a bad neighborhood.
- Their health is poor and they have medical alarm monitoring in place. They feel safer carrying a wireless 24 hour panic button or medical alarm.
- They leave pets home alone and worry that someone might break in, beat, and hurt or even kill their pets. We have a little Yorkshire terrier, Buddy, and love him very much. I would hate to see that happened to my dog.
- They have valuables that are hard or impossible to replace — for example, coin collections, stamp collections, rare books, guns, art, antiques, family heirlooms.
- To protect their children from physical — and psychological — harm. (Burglaries are very hard on children sometimes.)
- To protect valuable personal items such as computers, laptops, big screen HDTVs, video games, iPods, iPads, CDs, DVD players, jewelry, and diaries and other personal things.
- They’ve had a fire in their own home, or there was one in the neighborhood, and they know an alarm could have stopped it early.
- They’ve experienced a flooded basement because of a hot water tank or broken washer hose connections or some pump not working, and they know an alarm could have warned them and stopped it early.
- They just found out from the Police Department that a new sex offender is in the area, or that a new gang of drug dealers are active locally.
- They just got divorced and their spouse threatens them or breaks in or comes in unannounced.
- They can’t sleep and they hear lot of strange noises and wondering if it’s the wind or somebody trying to break in.
- They know having a security system can and nearly always does lower your insurance rate.
- The neighbors have one, and some think it’s a prestigious move.
- They have summer homes that need protection at other times of the year, or leave their usual home during winter and or don’t want to impose on anyone to check their home.
- To ensure that, when they’re absent, caretakers of the house are looking after things regularly. Some of our systems will tell you the date and time a neighbor or friend entered your house to check on your plants, pets, water or heat.
- They want or need things monitored. We can monitor just about anything you can put a switch on or a sensor on.
- If they have young children home alone, they can have panic and disturbance buttons for children to contact them if need by. (And they can monitor the home to keep wild parties from happening in the case of older children.)
Is that all?
Isn’t it enough?
No matter who you are, one of those descriptions above describes you. You need a home security system too.
Get one. Call Our Alarm Guy, Donald T. Noga, at 585-342-4480.